Here are some photos and other resources media can freely use to accompany stories on the Clean Water Act Section 401 rollbacks:
The state of Washington avoided harm to the Dosewallips River when developers withdrew a proposed dam that could not meet a Section 401 condition. The litigation went to the Supreme Court and it could be considered the most famous Section 401 case. The Section 401 process is currently underway to negotiate a positive outcome for the state of California and users of the Yuba River there. The federal government is doing everything it can to cut the states out of this process as it is, and the Section 401 rollbacks would eliminate this federal “headache” by severely rolling back states’ and Tribes’ rights to force a dialogue. The Oregon Department of Ecology used 401 Certification to call for improvements to protect salmon on the Columbia River. The Oregon Department of Ecology used 401 Certification to call for improvements to protect salmon on the Columbia River. Washington state used its 401 Certification authority to require that a certain flow be allowed to go over Enloe Dam for aesthetics. High-resolution vector map of all rivers in the contiguous 48 states. Warning sign for emergency release valve at the Caribou 1 Powerhouse. Warning sign at the outlet for the Caribou 2 Powerhouse. Rafter runs cleaver on the Tobin section of the North Fork Feather River. Normally flows are diverted from this section by the Rock Creek Dam, but flows are restored a few times each summer and enjoyed by recreational boaters. Bald eagle on the Upper North Fork Feather River in California. A woman fly fishes on the Upper Sacramento River with a rainbow formed in the waterfall behind her. Salmon denied upstream access by Battle Creek Dam. Milltown Reservoir during drawdown. Now a Superfund site. Warning sign above Boundary Dam. Algae bloom in Iron Gate Reservoir, Klamath River, August 2007. Note the wakeboarder in the bloom. Now removed, Condit Dam once diverted the White Salmon from the dam to the powerhouse to generate hydropower. The Narrows stretch had been dewatered for almost 100 years. Sullivan Creek reservoir in Fall.